Public Enemies (2009) Wiedergabe Von Streaming-

 on Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015  

Beneath Banks' crass self-aggrandizement lies a pretty charming portrait of two overly proud people butting creative heads. Yes, charming. That's what Disney does, and it does it well enough to turn even this condescending pap into something palatable.. The picture finally succeeds as the kind of fantasy that its two main characters consorted in, individually and, on one project, together.. It's a solid, somber, rousing piece of studio zirconium: cobbled together from Gladiator, Braveheart, Lord...


Public Enemies (2009) Wiedergabe Von Streaming- 4.5 5 Unknown Minggu, 11 Oktober 2015 Beneath Banks' crass self-aggrandizement lies a pretty charming portrait of two overly proud people butting creative heads. Yes, charmin...

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