The Liberator (2013) Film Abspielen

 on Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015  

How disappointing that a movie about challenging authority should be such a slave to convention.. Edgar Ramirez is electifying as Simon Bolivar, the Venezuelan land owner turned warrior. But even Ramirez cannot liberate this movie from a cliched script.. The emotions and desires that "The Liberator" dramatizes are such that anyone can feel them and understand.. Arvelo, a Venezuelan like Bolivar, touches many of the essential bases in Bolivar's story. But, perhaps inevitably, he is only able to a...


The Liberator (2013) Film Abspielen 4.5 5 Unknown Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015 How disappointing that a movie about challenging authority should be such a slave to convention.. Edgar Ramirez is electifying as Simon Boli...

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