The movie devolves into a talky, static affair featuring a cast with wildly varying accents and acting abilities.. Esther's triumph isn...
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Seabiscuit - Mit dem Willen zum Erfolg (2003) Streaming-
A genuinely inspirational film.. [It] may be too airbrushed for its own good, but in the end nothing can stop this story from putting a lump...
Casanova Variations (2014) Download Voll
This movie is an epic action movie that I believe in a few years from now shall be more appreciated than it is today !!. Music perfectly fit...
Kon-Tiki (2012) Voll Streaming
While the wind goes out of its sails a few times along the way, this is a ravishingly photographed, old-fashioned man-against-the-elements a...
Milk (2008) Voll Streaming
Perhaps it is simply an accident of timing that puts Milk in theaters at this moment. But fate or simple fortunate timing, Milk arrives as o...
Sangue del mio sangue (2015) Download Film
Absolutely one of the greatest, most cringe-worthy movies I've ever seen.. Music perfectly fits with the movie, the story can't tear...
Che - Teil 2: Guerrilla (2008) Voll Streaming
. Twice as long as it needs to be, but it is also only half the movie it should have been.. . . Saying that a film has too much insight is h...